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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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La Escuela Secreta de Nasreen, Una Historia Verdadera de Afganistán

Regular price $19.99
Sale price $19.99

En Afganistán, desde la llegada de los talibanes, las niñas tenían prohibido ir a la escuela, y las mujeres tenían prohibido salir de su casa sin ir acompañadas por un hombre de su familia. Esta es la historia real de una niña llamada Nasreen. Su abuela decide llevarla a una escuela secreta. Gracias a ella, Nasreen descubrirá nuevos horizontes y compartirá sus experiencias con otras niñas.




English Description:

In Afghanistan, since the arrival of the Taliban, girls were prohibited from going to school, and women were prohibited from leaving their home without being accompanied by a male member of their family. This is the true story of a girl named Nasreen. Her grandmother decides to take her to a secret school. Thanks to her, Nasreen will discover new horizons and share her experiences with other girls.