¿Qué pasa cuando eres un pequeño pez rodeado de grandes y temibles tiburones? La vida de Leo no era nada fácil: sufre del constante acoso de un grupo de niños a los que percibe como amenazantes seres marinos. Pero un buen día, con la ayuda de la niña más lista de la clase, Leo conseguirá ganarse el respeto de todos.
English Description:
What happens when you are a small fish surrounded by big and fearsome sharks? Leo's life was not easy at all: he suffers from the constant harassment of a group of children whom he perceives as threatening marine beings. But one day, with the help of the smartest girl in the class, Leo will win everyone's respect.
Author : Vivian Mansour Manzur
Illustrator : Patricio Ortiz
Author Nationality : Mexico
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 5th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Personal Narrative, Identity, Humor, Friendship, Drama, Community