Sawa Oko se sabe dueña de una magia natural que asombra y fascina a quienes la conocen. También guarda un secreto que se esconde en las montañas zoques, a donde su padre viaja para repartir regalos entre las personas y dejar ofrendas a los dioses. justo cuando ella está por cumplir doce años, su padre desaparece.
English Description:
Sawa Oko knows she owns a natural magic that amazes and fascinates those who know her. She also keeps a secret that is hidden in the Zoque mountains, where her father travels to distribute gifts among people and leave offerings to the gods. Just when she is about to turn twelve, her father disappears.
Author : Rincón García Luis Antonio
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 4th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Theme: Mystery, Indigenous People, Imagination, Family, Adventure, Culture, Community