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Preparate, Kindergarten! Alla Voy!

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Henry, el ratón, se emociona cuando se da cuenta de que es el primer día de jardín de infancia y, mientras camina hacia la escuela, se imagina todas las cosas maravillosas que podrá hacer. Sin embargo, una vez que Henry llega a su salón de clases, decide que prefiere irse a casa, hasta que ve toda la diversión.


English Description:

Henry the mouse is thrilled when he realizes it's the first day of kindergarten, and on his walk to school he imagines all the wonderful things he'll get to do. Once Henry arrives at his classroom, however, he decides he would rather go home--until he sees all the fun to be had. 

Publishing Details

Author : Nancy Carlson

Illustrator : Kindergarten

Type of Spanish : Bilingual

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Year Published: 2004

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten

Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, School, Animals, Conflict