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La orquesta del cielo

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“El cielo canta, el cielo suena y los animales miran y bailan hasta que el sueño llega.” A través de distintas onomatopeyas los coloridos personajes van descubriendo los sonidos que se encuentran en el cielo nocturno y los asocian a la diversidad de instrumentos que existen en una orquesta. Así, poco a poco, a medida que avanza la noche todos van cayendo en un sueño profundo.


English Description:

"The sky sings, the sky sounds and the animals watch and dance until sleep comes." Through different onomatopoeias, the colorful characters discover the sounds found in the night sky and associate them with the diversity of instruments that exist in an orchestra. Thus, little by little, as the night progresses, everyone falls into a deep sleep.

Publishing Details

Author : Pilar Muñoz Lascano, Matías Acosta

Author Nationality : Argentina

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Board

Cover: Board

Pages: 16

Year Published: 2021

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Nature, Music, Animals, Environment