The lesson plans follow a standard format that include:
Before You Read - preparing the students with vocabulary and connecting to their background knowledge.
During the Reading - questions to ask to monitor comprehension.
After Reading - questions to further comprehension and thinking beyond the text.
Each part of the lesson includes student conversation. We used a variety of strategies to facilitate conversation. They are:
Respuesta Física Total – Total Physical Response (TPR)
The teacher says the new vocabulary word for the students. As the teacher says the word, they use gestures, facial expressions, and/or body movement to illustrate the meaning of the word. Then the teacher prompts the students mimic the same gestures, facial expressions, and/or body movement as they say the word.
Inicios de oraciones en parejas – Sentence Starters
The teacher reviews the sentence or question stems with the students. Then in pairs students use the sentence stems to talk to each other.
Gira y comparte con tu compañero – Turn and Talk
The teacher poses a question or prompt for students to discuss for one-to-two minutes. Then the students turn to a partner near them and discuss.
Piensa, voltea y habla – Think – Pair - Share
The teacher prompts the students or asks them a question. The students then think of their response. Then the students to pair up and share their responses for one-to-two minutes. Reconvene the class and ask pairs to report back on their conversations.
Parejas A y B – A and B Partners
The teacher instructs students to pair up with a classmate. The teacher or students identify who is partner A and partner B. Then partner A asks the question and partner B to respond without A interrupting. Then teacher prompts them to switch roles.
Boleto de salida – Exit Ticket
The teacher shares a question or pose a problem on the Exit Ticket, or post the question or problem for students to see. The students turn in their completed Exit Ticket to the teacher waiting at the door. The teacher sorts the exit tickets into common responses and then shares them at the beginning of the next lesson.
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Lesson Plan Template
If you do not find the lesson plan for your book, please refer to the template to help you write your own. Books changing in the collections is unfortunately inevitable because our thinking changes and books go out of print and stock.
Special Thank YOU to all of the teachers for your efforts and dedication to the profession!
Lead Consultant - Amy Mosquera, Adelante Educational Specialists, Illinois
Adriana Mendoza, Fuerza Elementary School, Kennewick School District, Washington Adelfio García, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, Chicago Public Schools, Illinois
Amaryllis Monroig Vélez, Reed Elementary, Leader Independent School District, Texas Ana Williams, George W. Bush Elementary, Wylie Independent School District, Texas Ana Zepeda, Bagdad Elementary, Leander Independent School District, Texas
Andrea Samayoa, Emerson Elementary School, South Berwyn District 100, Illinois
Caroline Hesse, Nuestro Mundo Elementary School, Madison Metropolitan School District, Wisconsin Cecilia Maduena-Young, James Madison Elementary, Madera Unified School District, California Cassandra Hernández, Dalton Elementary School, Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, Texas
Becky Clifford, Appleton Bilingual School, Appleton Area School District, Wisconsin
Daisy Ayala, Illinois
Deborah Figueroa, Kearney Middle School, Adams 14, Colorado
Martha Umana, Jackson Elementary School, Plano Independent School District, Texas
Elizabeth Gómez, Mechanics Grove Elementary School, Mundelein, Illinois
Evangelina Ávalos, Freedom Elementary School, Southside Independent School District, Texas
Maria Farrera, Whitestone Elementary School, Leander Independent School District, Texas
Ivonne Solano, Pecan Creek Elementary, Denton Independent School District, Texas
Jennifer González-Wiscovitch, Red Oak Elementary School, Northshore 112, Illinois
Maria Muriel, George W. Bush Elementary, Wylie Independent School District, Texas
Beth Blackburn, John Glenn Elementary School, Northside Independent School District, Texas
Maria S. Flores-Mancera, Avenues: The World School, New York
Daniela Ceballos, Parsons Elementary School, North Brunswick Public Schools, New Jersey
Nancy Casteneda, Brookwood Forest Elementary School, New Caney Independent School District, Texas Nora A. Ramírez, Riley Dual Language Montessori School, Wisconsin
Oriss Acevedo, Madison Elementary School, Mount Vernon School District, Washington
Ruby Pérez, Fuerza Elementary School, Kennewick School District, Washington
Pamela Sánchez, PS 75 Emily Dickinson School, New York Schools, New York
Rosa Jonasz, Northside Independent School District, Texas
Sarah Carlin, Lincoln-Irving Elementary School, Moline, Illinois
Sharron Herring, Fuerza Elementary School, Kennewick School District, Washington
Sophia Vega, Oak Creek Elementary School, Comal County Independent School District, Texas
Teresa Durán, Bagdad Elementary, Leander Independent School District, Texas
Vanesa Culasso Medansky, Caterbury Elementary School, Crystal Lake School District, Illinois
Veronica Ramos, East Aurora School District 131, Illinois
Yesenia Maldonado, Pershing Elementary, South Berwyn District 100, Illinois

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