Books del Sur recognizes that teaching materials are critical for teachers as our role is exhaustive. We have created the following resources to ensure that teachers are able to be responsive to their students. In creating resources we are acutely aware that we do not have YOUR students sitting in front of us. Therefore we think the most important tools are the Grade Level Big Ideas, Essential Questions & Standards or BOOKMARKS.
Grade Level Big Ideas, Essential Questions & Standards, BOOKMARKS
We put the big ideas, essential questions and standards together on a bookmark, so that it was right there for you as you read and talk with your students. Each bookmark is aligned to the Comprehensive Read Aloud collections in order to promote conversation that develops student's linguistic competency. Read Aloud lessons must be responsive to students knowledge and conversation, this can not be scripted. Therefore, we trust in the knowledge of teachers to scaffold and support students as they strive to express their thoughts and grapple with ideas.
These incredible tools to support oracy and conversation were created by Adelante Educational Specialists.
Collections Sorted by Content Areas
We recognize that you already have a scope and sequence or units of study written and you are looking to these sets to provide resources for them. Therefore, we have sorted the 25 grade level collections by Spanish Language Arts, Social Emotional, Social Studies, and Science to start your alignment process.
Lesson Plans / Guía de lección
Comprehensive Read Aloud Lesson Introduction
Comprehensive Read Aloud Sample Lesson
Google Slide Resource: Template
Comprehensive Read Aloud Sample Lesson Reflection
Google Slide Resource: Sample Lesson, De aquí de allá