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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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100% fútbol

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

Jugar al fútbol donde sea: en la plaza, en la escuela, en el living de casa. Armar un partido como venga. Aquí, ahora, con buenos jugadores, con malos, con auténticos pataduras, no importa. Patear la pelota, eso es lo que cuenta; ponerle garra, pasión. Golear al equipo contrario. O por lo menos hacer un gol, uno solo. “¡Dale que vamos!” Tres cuentos para transpirar la camiseta. Un partido de plaza, otro de patio de escuela, y otro contado por la redonda, nada menos, la estrella, una pelota dotada de voz… ¿qué dirá?

English Description:

Play soccer anywhere: in the square, at school, in the living room at home. Put together a party as it comes. Here, now, with good players, with bad ones, with real kicks, it doesn't matter. Kicking the ball, that's what counts; put claw, passion. Hit the opposing team. Or at least make a goal, just one. "Let's go!" Three stories to make you sweat. A game in the square, another in the schoolyard, and another told by the circle, no less, the star, a ball with a voice... what will it say?