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¿Qué haces con una voz así?

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Congresswoman Barbara Jordan had a big, powerful, confident voice – and she knew how to use it! Learn about her amazing career in this inspiring illustrated storybook featuring the biography of the attorney, teacher, legislator, and civil rights leader. Even as a child growing up in the Fifth District of Houston in Texas, Bárbara Jordan stood out for her powerful, brave, radiant, clear, fresh, and confident voice. It was a voice that caused people to sit up, straighten up, and take notice. What are you doing with a voice like that? Barbara took her voice to places few African-American women had gone in the 1960s: first, to law school; then to the Texas State Senate; then to the United States Congress. Throughout her life, she persevered through adversity to give a voice to the voiceless and to fight for civil rights, equality, and justice.

Spanish Description: La congresista Bárbara Jordan tenía una voz grande, potente, y segura – ¡y sabía como usarlo! Aprenda sobre su carrera asombrosa en este libro de cuentos ilustrado que inspira con la biografía de la abogada, profesora, legisladora, y líder de derechos civiles. Aún como niña criándose en el Quinto Distrito de Houston en Texas, Bárbara Jordan se destacó por su voz potente, valiente, radiante, clara, fresca, y segura. Era una voz que causaba que la gente se sentara atenta, se enderezara y tomara nota. ¿Qué haces con una voz así? Bárbara llevó su voz a lugares donde pocas mujeres afroamericanas habían llegado en los 1960s: primero, a la facultad de derecho; luego, al senado estatal de Texas; después al congreso de los Estados Unidos. A lo largo de toda su vida, ella perseveró a través de la adversidad para dar voz a los sin voz y para luchar por derechos civiles, igualdad, y justicia.

Publishing Details

Author : Chris Barton

Illustrator : Ekua Holmes

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 48

Year Published: 2021

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: About POC, Community, Equality, Identity, Social Issues, Social Studies, Women in History, Black History