Regreso a casa
Sometimes I don't feel like going home. I go around a tree a hundred times, count the palm trees on the avenue again, or just lie on the grass in the square, which is like a big green carpet painted with flowers.
Spanish Description: A veces no siento ganas de regresar a casa. Doy cien vueltas alrededor de un árbol, cuento otra vez las palmeras de la avenida o simplemente me quedo tirada sobre el pasto de la plaza, que es como una gran alfombra verde pintada de flores.
Publishing Details
Author : Susana Aliano
Illustrator : Mauricio Marra
Author Nationality : Uruguay
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Picture
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 24
Size: 200 × 200 × 8 mm
Year Published: 2019
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: 2ND
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Conflict, Family, Social Emotional