Ramiro el boxeador
This is the story of Ramiro, son of Tigre de Benicolleja, grandson of Flaca Pegona, great-grandson of Puño Veloz and great-great-grandson of the best boxers of all time. He trains very hard to be able to hang his portrait on the Wall of Champions and see that the family is proud of him.
But there is a small problem: Ramiro doesn't want to hit anyone.
Ramiro the boxer is the first illustrated album created by Lirios Bou.
Reasons that invite you to read this book:
A story that invites readers to discover new alternatives for resolving conflicts, leaving aside the use of force.
The protagonist is an example of ingenuity and perseverance, with these virtues Ramiro will prepare a brilliant plan to achieve his goal.
Furthermore, the protagonist's father and mother will accept that their son has chosen a path that may not be the one they expected.
All these elements make this book a fun and interesting read to enjoy as a family.
Reading Grade Level: 1ST
Type of Spanish Book: Authentic
Type of Book: Picture
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 40
Cover: Hardcover
Year Published: 2018
Sub Genre: Fiction