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Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pele (1940-2022), was born in Tres Coraçoes, northwest of Rio de Janeiro. Without money to buy a soccer ball, he had to make it himself with a sock stuffed with newspapers. His father, who was a professional footballer, taught him how to play football and he saved up to buy his first ball by working in local tea shops. When, at age sixteen, he was the top scorer in Brazil's soccer league, the Brazilian president declared him a "national treasure." He scored more than a thousand goals in his career as a professional footballer and, thanks to his talent, the Brazilian national team won three World Cup victories. He is considered one of the most iconic footballers in history.

Spanish Description: Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pele (1940-2022), nació en Tres Coraçoes, al noroeste de Río de Janeiro. Sin dinero para comprar una pelota de fútbol, tuvo que fabricarla el mismo con un calcetín relleno de periódicos. Su padre, que fue futbolista profesional, le enseñó a jugar al fútbol y ahorró para comprar su primer balón trabajando en salones de te locales. Cuando, a los dieciseis años, fue el máximo goleador de la liga de fútbol de Brasil, el presidente brasileño lo declaró "tesoro nacional". Llegó a marcar más de mil goles en su carrera como futbolista profesional y, gracias a su talento, la selección nacional de Brasil obtuvo tres victorias en la Copa del Mundo. Está considerado uno de los futbolistas más icónicos de la historia.

Publishing Details

Author : María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Camila Rosa

Illustrator : Camila Rosa

Author Nationality : Spain

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Size: 19.69 x 19.69 x 11.02 in

Year Published: 2023

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Change, Culture, Hispanic Heritage Month, Identity, Sports