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Adivinemos, Adivinemos

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In this book, the prominent author and teacher Cecilia Beuchat invites adults and children to enjoy the activity of guessing. Make it a game at home, at school, in the library, and anywhere where there are people who want to have a fun time.
A book so that little readers can listen, read, memorize, draw and make up riddles.

Spanish Description: La destacada autora y docente Cecilia Beuchat invita en este libro a grandes y chicos a gozar con la actividad de adivinar. Que sea un juego en el hogar, en la escuela, en la biblioteca, y en cualquier lugar donde hay personas que deseen pasar un rato entretenido. Un libro para que pequeños lectores puedan escuchar, leer, memorizar, dibujar e inventar adivinanzas.

Publishing Details

Author : Cecilia Beuchat

Illustrator : Andrea Gago

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 80

Size: 20 x 20 cm

Year Published: 2023

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature

Theme: Fables & Folktales, Humor