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La puerta del baño

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That morning, Mía could swear that her breasts began to grow. The joy she feels at this transformation does not last long: the gaze of others changes, particularly that of her stepfather, who acquires the suspicious habit of opening the bathroom door when she is showering. A story about respect for the body and intimacy, about the feeling of guilt that a victim can develop, and about the need to raise one's voice to free oneself. A necessary and incisive novel.
Short novel that addresses the issue of sexual harassment, contributing to prevention and self-care awareness.

Spanish Description: Esa mañana, Mía podría jurar que sus pechos comenzaron a crecer. La alegría que siente por esta transformación no dura mucho: la mirada de los demás cambia, en particular la de su padrastro, quien adquiere la sospechosa costumbre de abrir la puerta del baño cuando ella se está duchando. Una historia sobre el respeto al cuerpo y a la intimidad, sobre el sentimiento de culpa que puede desarrollar una víctima, y sobre la necesidad de alzar la voz para liberarse. Una novela necesaria e incisiva. Novela breve que aborda el tema del acoso sexual, contribuyendo a la prevención y a la conciencia del autocuidado.

Publishing Details

Author : Sandrine Beau

Author Nationality : France

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 104

Size: 23x15 cm

Year Published: 2023

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 6th-8th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Change, Conflict, Drama, Family, Health, Social Emotional