Ramiro Malacara's life would be much easier if his last name were different. ´´Ra-miro Malacara´´ is one of the many taunts he has to endure. Because of his father's job, the family must move to another city. Ramiro takes it as a great opportunity for change: there will no longer be ridicule because no one knows his name...
Spanish Description: La vida de Ramiro Malacara sería mucho más fácil si su apellido fuera otro. Ra-miro Malacara es una de las tantas burlas que tiene que soportar. Por el trabajo de su padre, la familia debe mudarse a otra ciudad. Ramiro lo toma como una gran oportunidad de cambio: ya no habrá burlas porque nadie sabe cómo se llama...
Reading Grade Level: 3RD
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Community, Family, Friendship, Social Emotional