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El dragon pompero

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"Tinsel is a little dragon with a very serious problem: instead of fire, its snout gives off only something very strange for an animal that is supposed to cause fright. For this reason, he receives the ridicule of all his classmates. His breeder, Mostacho, can't find anyone willing to buy the little dragon and, disenchanted, decides that it's better to give it to a shy teacher who can't control her students. Together, they will discover that they are capable of amazing things."

Spanish Description: "Espumillón es un dragoncito con un problema muy grave: en vez de fuego, por su hocico despide solo algo muy extraño para tratarse de un animal que se supone debe causar espanto. Por eso, recibe las burlas de todos sus compañeros. Su criador, Mostacho, no encuentra quien quiera comprar al pequeño dragón y, desencantado, decide que es mejor obsequiarlo a una tímida maestra que no logra controlar a sus alumnos. Juntos, descubrirán que son capaces de hacer cosas sorprendentes." -

Publishing Details

Author : Eva Balaguer-Cortes

Illustrator : Paula Teran Ospina

Author Nationality : Spain

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 37

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Animals, Bullying, Conflict, Friendship, Identity, Social Emotional