Los Elefantes azules
Set in a small village lost in the Siberian snow, where everything is more complicated, these stories feature characters in situations that lead them to convince themselves that if someone wants something very strongly – even to be able to see blue elephants – it happens. It's all about acting with tolerance: everyone has the right to think, believe, and act differently from us.
Spanish Description: Ambientados en una pequeña aldea perdida en la nieve siberiana, donde todo es más complicado, por estos cuentos desfilan personajes en situaciones que los llevan a convencerse que si alguien desea algo con mucha fuerza —incluso el poder ver elefantes azules—, eso ocurre. Todo está en actuar con tolerancia: todos tienen derecho a pensar, creer y actuar de manera diferente a nosotros.
Publishing Details
Author : Julio de la Noval
Author Nationality : Bolivia
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Chapter
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 66
Year Published: 2002
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: 4TH
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Art, Culture, Fables & Folktales, Fairy Tale, Humor, Imagination, Migration, Music, Social Emotional