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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Ian. Mirar más allá

Regular price $11.95
Sale price $11.95

What does it mean to be discriminated against? What can we do to include those with a disability? This book based on Ian is a story that will move us all. It is also the short film produced by Juan José Campanella.

Ian is a boy who has a motor impairment. He wants to play with the other kids at the park, but a force that he cannot control prevents him from doing so; it keeps him away from the other children and forces him to stay on the sidelines. Ian is not going to give up; he is going to fight to be accepted and included.

This picture book addresses the problem of cerebral palsy. It is a great tool to generate greater awareness, open a dialog with the family, and seek a more understanding and inclusive society in the face of disabilities.

Spanish Description: ¿Qué significa ser discriminado? ¿Qué podemos hacer para incluir a los que sufren una discapacidad? El libro basado en Ian. Una historia que nos movilizará, el cortometraje producido por Juan José Campanella. Ian es un niño que tiene una discapacidad motriz. Quiere jugar con los otros niños en el parque pero una fuerza que no puede dominar se lo impide, lo aparta de los demás y lo obliga a permanecer al margen. Pero Ian no va a dejarse vencer y va a luchar para ser aceptado e incluido. Este libro ilustrado aborda la problemática de la parálisis cerebral. Será una buena herramienta para generar mayor conciencia, dialogar en familia y buscar una sociedad más comprensiva e inclusiva ante la discapacidad.