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A Margarita

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

Es un cuento en verso, contado a Margarita. Un día una princesa vio en el cielo una hermosa estrella blanca y le gustó tanto que –sin permiso de su papá– fue a cogerla para lucirla como prendedor. Cuando regresó luciéndola en su pecho, el rey le ordenó que regresara a devolverla a su sitio. Pero una sublime aparición le permite quedarse con la estrella.


English Description:

It is a story in verse, told to Margarita. One day a princess saw a beautiful white star in the sky and she liked it so much that – without her father's permission – she went to pick it up to wear it as her brooch. When he returned from her wearing it on her chest, the king ordered him to return to return her to her place. But a sublime appearance of her allows him to keep the star.

Publishing Details

Author : Ruben Dario

Illustrator : Tania Márquez

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Year Published: 1998

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: K - 1ST

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Fantasy

Theme: Music, Family, Art, Conflict

Teacher Comments: "This colorfully illustrated book is great to scaffold the learning of poetry and rhyming with young children and is an introduction to the classic work of Rubén Darío."