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Abuelita fue al mercado

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¡Vuela con la abuela mientras da un paseo en alfombra mágica alrededor del mundo, recolectando un número cada vez mayor de recuerdos de cada lugar exótico! Esta historia en rima llevará a los lectores jóvenes a una aventura por diferentes países mientras les enseña a contar en el camino.

English Description:

Fly away with Granny as she takes a magic carpet ride around the world, collecting a steadily increasing number of souvenirs from each exotic location! This rhyming story will take young readers on an adventure to different countries while teaching them to count along the way.

Publishing Details

Author : Stella Blackstone

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Year Published: 2007

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: PreK - K, K - 1ST

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction

Theme: Adventure, Family, Concepts, Numbers