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Alma de Piedra

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

El cabrero Orruño prefiere como compañía a los chicos, que gustan de caminar junto a él cuando lleva a pastar sus rebaños; su preferida es Martina, una nena de cinco años, inquieta y preguntona. Es una bellísima historia, bien escrita, en un estilo sencillo y lindo, con mucha ternura. Con una ternura capaz de dotar de almas a las piedras.

English Description:

The goatherd Orruño prefers boys as company, who like to walk alongside him when he leads their flocks to graze; His favorite is Martina, a five-year-old girl who is restless and questioning. It is a beautiful story, well written, in a simple and cute style, with a lot of tenderness. With a tenderness capable of endowing stones with souls.

Publishing Details

Author : Lucía R. Larese 

Illustrator : Natalia Mora

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 111

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Mystery, Imagination, Fables & Folktales, Community