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«Tengo suerte. Soy un gato. Puedo recorrer el mundo a mi antojo, de un extramo al otro. Pobrecito Burbuja. Él es un pez… No puede salir de su pecera». Tex es un gato que adora ir y venir a su antojo. Su mejor amigo es Burbuja, un pez de colores que vive en una pecera. Tex es su amigo de verdad y por eso quiere ayudarlo a ser libre, como él. Aunque eso supona no volver a verlo. Un libro sobre el valor de la amistad.


English Description:

Tex is a cat who loves to come and go as he pleases. His best friend is Bubbles, a goldfish that lives in a fish tank. Tex is his real friend and that's why she wants to help him be free, like him. Even if that meant never seeing him again. A book about the value of friendship.

Publishing Details

Author : Michael Foreman

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2012

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1ST - 2ND

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Nature, Friendship, Adventure, Animals, Equality

Lesson Plan Link: Link