Archibaldo es un personaje nostálgico que todo el tiempo está pensando en el pasado. Reinaldo, por el contrario, es alguien que siempre anda con prisa. Pero los dos, pese a ser tan distintos, tienen algo en común: Ninguno está con su mente en el presente. A través de las ilustraciones que componen este conmovedor relato sin palabras, la autora aborda temáticas tan complejas como la depresión y la ansiedad; y nos va revelando de manera sutil cómo ambas vendrían a ser dos caras de una misma moneda.
English Description:
Archibald is a nostalgic character who is constantly thinking about the past. Reinaldo, on the other hand, is someone who is always in a hurry. But the two, despite being so different, have something in common: Neither is with his mind in the present. Through the illustrations that make up this moving story without words, the author addresses issues as complex as depression and anxiety; and she is revealing to us in a subtle way how both would become two sides of the same coin.
Publishing Details
Author : Gabriela Germain Fonck
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Picture
Cover: Hardcover
Year Published: 2020
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Social Emotional, Friendship
Teacher Comments: "It is a fun book to get students writing their own story. The use of color allows for a specific focus on the characters."