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Aurora y el misterio de la cámara secreta

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Aurora por fin va a la escuela y tiene muchas ganas de hacer amigos, pero no a todo el mundo le gusta que sea diferente. Esto es lo que la hace una gran detective, y le es muy útil cuando le llega su primer caso. La policía ya tiene un culpable, aunque Aurora cree que es inocente. ¿Podrá demostrarlo antes de que sea demasiado tarde?


English Description:

Aurora is finally going to school and she really wants to make friends, but not everyone likes that she is different.This is what makes her a great detective, and she comes in handy when she gets her first case.The police already have a culprit, although Aurora believes that she is innocent.Can she prove it herself before it's too late?

Publishing Details

Author : Douglas Kennedy

Illustrator : Joann Sfar

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 312

Year Published: 2022

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: School, Mystery, Adventure, Conflict

Lesson Plan Link: Link