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Aventuras literarias: las extrañas notas del presidiario

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Literary Adventures: The Strange Notes of the Convict is a novel set in the library of San Miguel de los Reyes (until 1966 a penitentiary and, before that, a monastery), where Daniela, a seventeen-year-old girl, through readings proposed by her teacher, discovers a series of notes from a reader from another era with whom she begins to identify. So much so that, with the help of a young librarian, he begins a curious investigation into the identity of this mysterious reader, his affinities and his way of life; at the same time, a transformation emerges in the girl by which she will value freedom, friendship and the power of reading in a different way.

Spanish Description: Aventuras literarias: las extrañas notas del presidiario es una novela desarrollada en la biblioteca de San Miguel de los Reyes (hasta 1966 centro penitenciario y, antes de ello, monasterio), donde Daniela, una joven de diecisiete años, a través de lecturas propuestas por su profesor, descubre una serie de anotaciones de un lector de otra época con el cual comienza a identificarse. Tanto es así que, con la ayuda de un joven bibliotecario, inicia una curiosa investigación sobre la identidad de este misterioso lector, sus afinidades y su modo de vida; a la vez que va surgiendo en la muchacha una transformación por la cual valorará de otro modo la libertad, la amistad y el poder de la lectura.

Publishing Details

Author : María Ángeles Chavarría Aznar

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 190

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 9th-12th

Genre: Fiction

Theme: Friendship, Adventure, School, Identity

Lesson Plan Link: Link