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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Bajo los olas

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En la aparente simplicidad de un encuentro en el mar surge el conflicto interior en cada uno de los personajes. Vergüenza, miedos, rechazo… Para resolverlo solo se puede hacer una cosa: bajar a las profundidades, buscar los tesoros escondidos, abrir bien los ojos y mirar atentamente. Quizás así descubriremos de lo que somos capaces, lo maravillosa que es la vida y lo que es realmente importante. Una historia íntima y emotiva que esconde muchas lecturas y transporta a niños y adultos a afrontar los conflictos interiores con amor y confianza. “Una playa, dos niños, un viaje.


In the apparent simplicity of an encounter at sea, the inner conflict arises in each of the characters. Shame, fear, rejection… To solve it, there is only one thing you can do: go down to the depths, look for hidden treasures, open your eyes wide and look carefully. Perhaps this way we will discover what we are capable of, how wonderful life is and what is really important. An intimate and emotional story that includes many readings and transports children and adults to understand inner conflicts with love and trust. A beach, two children, and a trip.


Meritxell Martí

Illustrator: Xavier Salomó

Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2019