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Bety al rescate

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Sale price $13.59

Más que nada en el mundo a Bety le gusta ser útil. Un día cuando se divertía chapoteando con los demás hipopótamos, se escuchó un grito..."¿Se atoró en un árbol un pobre monito? ¡Ése es un trabajo para mí!" "Espera, Bety, los monos saben... " le dijo Arturo, el mayor de los hipopótamos. Demasiado tarde, Bety ya se alejaba corriendo.


English Description:

More than anything in the world, Betty likes to be useful. One day when he was having fun splashing around with the other hippos, a cry was heard..."Did a poor little monkey get stuck in a tree? That's a job for me!" "Wait, Betty, the monkeys know..." Arturo, the oldest of the hippopotamuses, told her. Too late, Betty was already running away.

Publishing Details

Author : Michaela Morgan

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 26

Year Published: 1996

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Nature, Adventure, Animals