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Chester, el gato, comenzó a ver algo extraño. Un rayo de luz de luna cruzó su jaula y el conejo empezó a moverse, levantó su naricilla e inhaló profundamente. El manchón negro que le cubría el lomo tomó forma de capa y sus ojos tenían un aura ultraterrena. Sus labios se partieron en una sonrisa macabra que dejaba entrever dos colmillos puntiagudos.

English Description:

Chester the cat began to see something strange. A ray of moonlight crossed his cage and the rabbit began to move, raising his nose and inhaling deeply. The black patch that covered his back took the form of a cloak and his eyes had an unearthly aura. His lips parted in a macabre smile that revealed two pointed fangs.

Publishing Details

Author : Deborah Howe

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 91

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Mystery, Imagination, Humor, Adventure, Animals