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Capry Choza, la chiva más chiva del mundo

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Capry Choza es una chivita inquieta, curiosa, caprichosa, acostumbrada a hacer lo que le viene en gana sin hacer caso de las recomendaciones de nadie, mucho menos de sus mayores. Por eso, una vez está a punto de ahogarse, otra es atropellada por una motocicleta, en una más se envenena por comer una planta que la sabe dañina, etc., etc. Solo cuando ya jovencita se enamora, se vuelve juiciosa. Pero cuando tiene su primera hija, Capry Chocita, la historia parece repetirse...


English Description:

Capry Choza is a restless, curious, capricious goat, used to doing whatever she wants without paying attention to anyone's recommendations, much less her elders. For this reason, once she is about to drown, another time she is run over by a motorcycle, another time she is poisoned by eating a plant that she knows is harmful, etc., etc. Only when she is already young she falls in love with her, she becomes wise. But when she has her first daughter, Capry Chocita, history seems to repeat itself...

Publishing Details

Author : Susana  Goldemberg

Illustrator : Roger Ycaza

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 100

Year Published: 2014

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3rd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Humor, Family, Adventure, Animals, Fables & Folktales

Teacher Comments: "This book is great for guided reading and or a book study. Students are able to follow along the journey of the main character (Capry) to determine moral of the story. Students can also read along and create a plot mountain and analyze their mountain as they read. Great addition to a classroom library! "