Clarisa y las plantas mutantes
Clarisa, the teacher of Naturals, has some unruly but brilliant students. The science fair is approaching: they are researching fertilizers so powerful that they grow mutant plants. She would like to be able to study them and become an eminence in biology, but there is no time: her class demands all her attention.
Spanish Description: Clarisa, la seño de Naturales, tiene unos alumnos revoltosos pero brillantes. Se acerca la feria de ciencias: están investigando abonos tan poderosos que hacen crecer plantas mutantes. A ella le gustaría poder estudiarlas y convertirse en una eminencia de la biología, pero no hay tiempo: su clase le demanda toda la atención.
Publishing Details
Author : Cristina Macjus
Illustrator : Juan Chavetta
Author Nationality : Argentina
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Chapter
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 64
Size: 14 x 20 cm
Year Published: 2024
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: 4th
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Adventure, Environment, Nature, School, Science