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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.


Original price $13.59 - Original price $13.59
Original price
$13.59 - $13.59
Current price $13.59

«Cómbita» es la historia de una niña que persigue sus sueños en una bicicleta y que, en su recorrido, hace decenas de nuevos amigos. No importa cuántas veces se caiga de su bicicleta, su voluntad permanecerá intacta. También es la historia de un municipio de Boyacá, Colombia, en el que sus habitantes humanos, animales y vegetales crecen y conviven felizmente para nutrir la vida misma. Sencillamente, «Cómbita» es la metáfora de una familia humilde que es inmensamente rica en amor.


"Cómbita" is the story of a girl who pursues her dreams on a bicycle and who, on her way, makes dozens of new friends. No matter how many times she falls off her bike, her will remains intact. It is also the story of a municipality in Boyacá, Colombia, in which its human, animal and vegetable inhabitants grow and happily coexist to nurture life itself. Simply put, "Cómbita" is the metaphor of a humble family that is immensely rich in love.


Óscar Pantoja

Illustrator: Jim Pluk

Reading Grade Level: K - 1ST

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 36

Size: 10

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2019

Teaching and Learning Resources