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Confesiones de un Vampiro

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

Alexis es un vampiro, y somo si esto fuera poco, también es adolescente, lo que le complica bastante la existencia . El siente que ha llegado el momento de conocer “la verdadera vida”, como llama a la vida de los humanos , y aquí sí que se complican las cosas, porque ese mundo nuevo a la que se acerca por primera vez , no solo le permite conocer la amistad y el amor, sino que también lo enfrenta a insospechados peligros.


English Description:

Alexis is a vampire, and as if this were not enough, he is also a teenager, which makes his existence quite complicated. He feels that the time has come to know "true life", as he calls human life, and here things really get complicated, because this new world, which he is approaching for the first time, not only allows him to know friendship and love, but also confronts him with unsuspected dangers.

Publishing Details

Author : Liliana Cinetto

Illustrator : Gabriela Burin

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 96

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 6TH - 8TH

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Identity, Friendship, Family

Teacher Comments: "There are different things that can be discussed through the book. This is great as a mentor text as students can read with the teacher or independently and still understand the text. This is a book that they could start to relate to as it talks about having conversations with the family, changing who we are, and being able to follow what you like"

Lesson Plan Link: Link