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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Cuando sea grande, quiero ser Premio Nobel de la Paz

Regular price $16.99
Sale price $16.99

Un niño algo travieso quiere llegar a ser algún día Premio Nobel de la Paz. Mientras tanto comete mil divertidas travesuras. Las buenas intenciones de amar al prójimo, de proteger el ambiente o de compartir los bienes con los más pobres, se convierten en meras ilusiones a causa de las diabluras del protagonista. Este libro demuestra que el sentido del humor es un medio efectivo para difundir virtudes como el amor y la paz. 


English Description:

A somewhat mischievous child wants to one day become a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Meanwhile he commits a thousand funny pranks. The good intentions of a loving neighbor, of protecting the environment, or of sharing goods with the poor, become mere illusions because of the protagonist's mischief. This book shows that the sense of humor is an effective means to spread virtues such as love and peace.