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De brujas caprichosas y hadas desencantadas

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Este libro presenta dos historias contextualizadas en el mundo actual: la de una bruja caprichosa, cuya vida cambiará para siempre luego de recibir una inesperada invitación a un matrimonio y la de un hada que por no haber usado su magia durante un  determinado tiempo, está llamada a desaparecer.



English Description:

This book presents two stories contextualized in the present world. One is about a capricious witch, whose life will change forever after receiving an unexpected invitation to marriage. The other story is about a fairy that does not use magic for a period of time and as a result, may disappear.

Publishing Details

Author : Josefina Hepp

Illustrator : Carolina Durán

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 112

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Romance, Community