De cómo tía Lola vino de visita a quedarse, una novela juvenil de Julia Alvarez, cuenta la deliciosa historia de una familia dominicana, instalada en Vermont, que recibe la visita de una pariente muy especial. La irresistible, incontrolable e incluso mágica tía Lola transforma la vida de su familia. Sombreros, pañuelos, vestidos alegres, tacones, maracas, un tambor par alas fiestas, café, hierbabuena, orégano, anís, hojas de guanábana, ajíes..., su alegría invade la casa y—poco a poco—a todo el pueblo. Un relato rico, cálido y lleno de humor, que nos llevará a sonar con la posibilidad de tener una tía tan entrañable como tía Lola.
English Description:
How Aunt Lola came to visit to stay, a young adult novel by Julia Alvarez, tells the amazing story of a Dominican family, settled in Vermont, who receives a visit from a very special relative. The irresistible, uncontrollable and even magical Aunt Lola transforms the life of her family. Hats, scarves, cheerful dresses, heels, maracas, a drum for parties, coffee, mint, oregano, anise, soursop leaves, chili peppers ..., her joy invades the house and — little by little — the whole town. A rich, warm and humorous story that will lead us to dream of the possibility of having an aunt as endearing as Aunt Lola.
Author : Julia Alvarez
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: 5th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Humor, Hispanic Heritage Month, Family
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