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De familia en familia

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Una carpeta viajó por las casas de los niños de una escuela, para que cada uno se presente y cuente con quién vive, cómo es su familia, qué le gusta hacer y lo que tenga ganas de compartir con los demás. 15 relatos y 15 ilustradores presentan 15 familias muy distintas entre sí. O quizás, no tanto…


English Description:

A folder traveled through the homes of the children of a school, so that each one shows up and counts on who lives, what his family is like, what he likes to do and what he wants to share with others. 15 stories and 15 illustrators present 15 very different families from each other. Or maybe, not so much ...

Publishing Details

Author : José Nesis, Paula Szuster

Illustrator : Poly Bernatene, Powerpaola, Mariana Ruiz Johnson, Diego Bianki

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Family, Community