Este libro bilingüe "flip" para lectores intermedios narra la inspiradora historia de Dennis Chavez, quien a pesar de tener que abandonar la escuela en séptimo grado para conseguir un trabajo para ayudar a su familia, se graduó de la Facultad de Derecho de Georgetown en Washington. , DC, y representan a Nuevo México en el Senado de los Estados Unidos durante veintisiete años.
English Description:
This bilingual flip book for intermediate readers tells the inspiring story of Dennis Chavez, who despite having to drop out of school in seventh grade to get a job to help his family, graduated from Georgetown Law School in Washington . , DC, and represent New Mexico in the United States Senate for twenty-seven years.
Author : Cissie Coy
Illustrator : Gabriela Baez Ventura
Type of Spanish : Bilingual
Reading Grade Level: 5th
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction
Theme: Social Studies, Social Issues, Identity, About POC, Community, Fiction