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Dos conejos blancos

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En esta historia conmovedora, una niña describe cómo es ser migrante, mientras ella y su padre viajan hacia el norte, la frontera con Estados Unidos. Viajan principalmente en el techo de un tren conocido como La Bestia, pero la niña no sabe a dónde van. Cuenta los animales por el camino, las nubes en el cielo, las estrellas. A veces ella ve soldados. Ella duerme, soñando que siempre está en movimiento, aunque a veces se ven obligados a detenerse y su padre tiene que ganar más dinero antes de poder continuar su viaje.



English Description:

In this moving story, a girl describes what it is like to be a migrant, as she and her father travel north to the border with the United States. They travel mainly on the roof of a train known as The Beast, but the girl does not know where they are going. Count the animals along the way, the clouds in the sky, the stars. Sometimes she sees soldiers. She sleeps, dreaming that she is always on the go, although sometimes they are forced to stop and her father has to earn more money before he can continue his journey.

Publishing Details

Author : Jairo Buitrago    

Illustrator : Rafael Yockteng

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 56

Year Published: 2016

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2ND - 3RD

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: War, Social Issues, Social Emotional, Immigration, About POC, Family, Fiction

Lesson Plan Link: Link