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Dos osos de paseo

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Cuando dos osos salen de paseo la vida se convierte en un ensueño: la mañana perezosa no se puede levantar pues la noche con su luna no la deja de arrullar. Ven y vive la experiencia de un poemario sin igual que une brujas, sueños y un dragón en altamar.



English Description:

When two bears go out for a walk, life becomes a dream: the morning never seems to come, as the night and the moon remain. Come and live the experience of a collection of poems like no other that unites witches, dreams and a dragon at sea.

Publishing Details

Author : Jorge Luján

Illustrator : Manon Gauthier

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Nature, Imagination, Adventure, Animals, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales