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Dos y dos son cuatro

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Dos y dos son cuatro está basado en la canción tradicional infantil que tanto grandes y chicos disfrutarán. Es un punto de encuentro para que distintas generaciones se reconozcan a través de las rimas y el canto, acompañados de las ilustraciones de Ales Villegas. A través de su historia y sus páginas troqueladas, invita a niños y niñas a descubrir pequeñas operaciones matemáticas, con un coro que es, sin duda, inolvidable para cualquiera.



English Description:

Two and two are four is based on the traditional children's song that both adults and children will enjoy. It is a meeting point for different generations to recognize each other through rhymes and singing, accompanied by illustrations by Ales Villegas. Through its story and its punched-out pages, it invites boys and girls to discover small mathematical operations, with a chorus that is, without a doubt, unforgettable for anyone.

Publishing Details

Author : Ales Villegas

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Board

Cover: Board

Pages: 24

Year Published: 2022

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction

Theme: Numbers, Music, Animals