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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Duérmete semilla

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Set in the south of Chile, this story shows our native flora and fauna while narrating a perfect arrowroot to make children sleep with pre-readers.

Written in verse by Paulina Jara Straussmann, a Chilean writer with more than twenty titles published by different publishers.

Andrea Mahnke perfectly complements this text with handmade illustrations with colored pencils that recreate the nature of the south of our country.

Spanish Description: Ambientada en el sur de Chile, esta historia muestra nuestra flora y fauna nativa a la vez que narra un arrurrú perfecto para hacer dormir a niños y niñas prelectores. Escrito en verso por Paulina Jara Straussmann, escritora chilena con más de veinte títulos publicados en distintas editoriales. Andrea Mahnke complementa a la perfección este texto mediante ilustraciones hechas a mano con lápices de colores que recrean la naturaleza del sur de nuestro país.

Publishing Details

Author : Paulina Jara Straussmann, Andrea Mahnke

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Board

Pages: 20

Size: 16 x 16 cm

Year Published: 2023

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Theme: Animals, Nature, Family