El arcoiris que perdió un color
Cuando Arcoiris pierde un color, su amigo, el gnomo Oki, acude al búho en busca de consejo y luego emprende un viaje a un río donde puede obtener un poco de agua mágica.
English Description:
Publishing Details
Author : Catalina Miranda
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Picture
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 24
Year Published: 2004
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: K - 1ST
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Theme: Science, Nature, Friendship, Adventure, Animals, Colors, Environment, Community
Teacher Comments: "I really enjoy reading this book; It is a beautiful story that connects with the process of nature and science; how it can be solved in a positive way and very respectful. Colorful illustrations to develop new vocabulary and a great resource to start a conversation about nature, colors, friendship, community, persistence and feelings."