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El braille del arcoíris

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Cuando Raulito pierde la visión, su hermano gemelo sabe que ahora deberán ser más amigos y solidarios que nunca. Aunque apenas tienen nueve años, los hermanos deben aprender a vivir con las limitaciones del uno y la tristeza del otro. En ese proceso, difícil y marcado por los prejuicios, descubren que existen otras formas de ver, de disfrutar de la vida y de gozar de los juegos y las virtudes de la infancia. El braille del arcoíris es una bella historia que habla de la esperanza, la familia, la unión fraternal, los amigos, la fortaleza ante la adversidad y el poder sin límites de la imaginación y el amor.


English Description:

When Raulito loses his vision, his twin brother knows that now they must be more friendly and supportive than ever. Although they are barely nine years old, the brothers must learn to live with the limitations of one and the sadness of the other. In this process, difficult and marked by prejudice, they discover that there are other ways of seeing, enjoying life and enjoying the games and virtues of childhood. Rainbow braille is a beautiful story that speaks of hope, family, brotherly union, friends, strength in the face of adversity, and the limitless power of imagination and love.

Publishing Details

Author : Francisco Leyva Ferrer

Illustrator : Paula Terán Ospina

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 126

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Personal Narrative, Imagination, Identity, Friendship, Family, Adventure, Art, Equality, Disabilities, Culture, Community

Teacher Comments: "Beautifully written. Lot's of figurative language and wonderfully told. A book about family bonds, a disability and hope."