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El campeón de las papas fritas

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Champ y Walter Norbert Whipplemoore son tan diferentes como dos niños pueden ser...  excepto por su amor por el béisbol y las papas fritas. A todos en su equipo de béisbol les gustaba Walter. Todos menos Champ.

Walter siempre llegaba tarde al entrenamiento, sus zapatos estaban viejos y sucios y montaba una bicicleta vieja y descompuesta. Sus diferencias eran evidentes. Pero eso no impidió que Walter tuviera un buen actitud y estuviera feliz. Sabía que no era lo que tenía por fuera, sino quién era por dentro.

Champ, por otro lado, carecía de empatía y era malhumorado y poco amable con Walter. Simplemente no entendía por qué Walter tenía tan poco y, sin embargo, parecía ser tan popular. ¿No se dieron cuenta los otros niños de que Champ era el niño más genial porque tenía muchas cosas? Al final, los resentimientos de celos y de ser excluido son vencidos por compartir su merienda favorita.

Esto es un libro ilustrado sobre el poder de compartir, la amabilidad y las papas fritas.


English Description:

Champ and Walter Norbert Whipplemoore are about as different as two kids can be… well, except for their love of baseball and potato chips. Everyone on their baseball team liked Walter. Everyone but Champ, that is.

Walter was always late for practice, his shoes were old and dirty and he rode an old broken-down bike. Their differences were glaring. But that didn’t stop Walter from having a great attitude and being happy. He knew he wasn’t what he had on the outside, but who he was on the inside.

Champ, on the other hand, lacked empathy and was crabby and unkind to Walter. He just didn’t understand why Walter had so little, yet still seemed to be so popular. Didn’t the other kids realize that Champ was the coolest kid because he had so many things? In the end, though, the hard feelings of jealousy and being left out are conquered by the simple act of sharing a favorite snack in this picture book on the power of sharing, kindness, and potato chips.

Publishing Details

Author : Maria Dismondy

Illustrator : Dawn Beacon

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Size: 11x9

Year Published: 2012

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Realistic Fiction

Theme: Friendship, Personal Narrative, Social Emotional, Sports

Teacher Comments: I love this books in English, I'm glad it's now available in Spanish!

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