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El club de los raros

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This book is adapted to the Easy Reading system: a way of making reading accessible to different types of specific learning needs. Hugo is a stutterer and Bernardo is dyslexic, confusing letters and numbers. The 2 friends decide to form a club to defend themselves from those who laugh at them. Little by little, more colleagues join the Odd Club.

Spanish Description: Este libro está adaptado al sistema de Lectura Fácil: un modo de hacer la lectura accesible a diferentes tipos de necesidades específicas de aprendizaje. Hugo es tartamudo y Bernardo es disléxico, confunde las letras y los números. Los 2 amigos deciden formar un club para defenderse de los que se ríen de ellos. Poco a poco, se van uniendo más compañeros al Club de los Raros.

Publishing Details

Author : Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Illustrator : Tomás Hijo

Author Nationality : Spain

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 128

Size: 5.28 x 8.27 in

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Realistic Fiction

Theme: Bullying, Disabilities, Friendship, School, Social Emotional