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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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El Conejito Knuffle

Regular price $7.99
Sale price $7.99

La ninita Trixie, su papa y el conejito Knuffle van a la lavanderia del barrio. Cuando se van del negocio, la aventura da un vuelco dramatico cuando Trixie se da cuenta de que el conejito se ha quedado atras. Trixie todavia no sabe hablar y es dificil comunicarse el problema a su padre. Al encontrar el conejito, Trixie dice sus primeras palabras.



English Description:

The little girl Trixie, her dad and the bunny Knuffle go to the local laundry. When they leave the business, the adventure takes a dramatic turn when Trixie realizes that the bunny has been left behind. Trixie still cannot speak and it is difficult to communicate the problem to her father. Upon finding the bunny, Trixie says her first words.