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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

El cuervo irisado

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Con la llegada del invierno, el Sol se retira a descansar y todos los animales pasan hambre y frío. Solo el cuervo irisado se atreve a volar al encuentro del Sol para suplicarle que vuelva a lucir. Tras su valeroso viaje, el cuervo regresa a la Tierra con un ardiente rayo solar que salva la vida a sus amigos pero que a él le chamusca las alas. El cuervo se entristece por su nuevo aspecto, pero pronto comprende que su generosidad vale mucho más que sus plumas multicolores.

With the arrival of winter, the Sun retires to rest and all the animals go hungry and cold. Only the rainbow crow dares to fly to meet the Sun to beg it to shine again. After his brave journey, the raven returns to Earth with a fiery sunbeam that saves his friends' lives but scorches his wings. The raven is saddened by his new appearance, but soon realizes that his generosity is worth far more than his multicolored feathers.


Naomi Howarth

Reading Grade Level: 2ND - 3RD

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Chapter

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 37

Size: 9

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2017

Teaching and Learning Resources