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El día de campo de Evie

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Evie estaba ansiosa por la competencia con sus compañeros de clase el día de campo. Entonces, cuando las cosas no salieron como ella quería, Evie era una mala perdedora. Cuando Evie se encuentre por delante del resto y se enfrente a una decisión importante, ¿elegirá la oportunidad de ganar un trofeo o la oportunidad de ser una buena persona?

Descúbrelo uniéndote a Evie mientras navega por el patio de recreo y aprende que algunas cosas en la vida se sienten mejor que ganar.

English Description:

couldn’t wait to blaze past her classmates on Field Day. So when things
didn’t go her way, she stomped, scored and downright pouted! Evie was a sore
loser, alright. When Evie finds herself ahead of the pack and faced with an
important decision, will she choose the chance at a trophy or the chance to
be a kind friend?
Find out by joining Evie as she navigates the playground and learns that
some things in life feel better than winning.

Publishing Details

Author : Claire Noland

Illustrator : Alicia Teba

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Size: 11x9

Year Published: 2020

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1ST - 2ND

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Community, Friendship, Nature, Social Emotional, Sports, Nature, Friendship, Exercise

Teacher Comments: I love this books in English, I'm glad it's now available in Spanish!

Author Talk: Link

Lesson Plan Link: Link

Student Activity Link: Link