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El extraño caso del fantasma claustrofóbico

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Nikolaj asegura que hay un fantasma en su clóset, a pesar de que su hermano Emil afirma lo contrario. Para comprobarlo, Nikolaj cierra las puertas del clóset antes de dormir. Al despertar, ambos descubren con horror que las puertas están abiertas. Nikolaj comparte su secreto con Ximena, quien le recomienda averiguar de qué tipo de fantasma se trata: ¿Tiene algún asunto pendiente o aún no sabe que ha muerto? ¿Ha regresado a vengarse? Emil, Ximena y Nikolaj emprenden una búsqueda que los conducirá al mes de septiembre de 1985, cuando dos fuertes temblores sacudieron la Ciudad de México.




English Description:

Nikolaj claims that there is a ghost in his closet, despite his brother Emil claiming otherwise. To check, Nikolaj closes the closet doors before going to sleep. Upon awakening, both discover to their horror that the doors are open. Nikolaj shares his secret with Ximena, who recommends that he find out what kind of ghost it is: Do you have any unfinished business or do you still not know that he has died? Has he returned to take revenge? Emil, Ximena and Nikolaj undertake a search that will lead them to September 1985, when two strong tremors shook Mexico City.

Publishing Details

Author : Hortensia Moreno

Illustrator : Luis San Vicente

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 6th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Historical Fiction, Fiction

Theme: Social Studies, Nature, Environment, Conflict