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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

El huevo de emperador

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¿Te imaginas pasar el invierno al aire libre en la Antártida sin nada para comer? Eso es justo lo que hace el pingüino emperador macho. Mientras su pareja, está nadando y atrapando un montón de peces, se queda parado en el frío congelado, con un huevo en sus pies durante dos meses completos, manteniéndolo caliente y esperando a que nazca. ¡Bienvenido a la historia del padre más devoto del mundo! La materia posterior incluye un índice.



Can you imagine spending the winter outdoors in Antarctica with nothing to eat? That's just what the male emperor penguin does. While his partner is swimming and catching a bunch of fish, he stands in the freezing cold, with an egg at his feet for a full two months, keeping it warm and waiting for it to hatch. Welcome to the story of the most devoted father in the world! Subsequent subject includes an index.


Martin Jenkins

Illustrator: Jane Chapman

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Non-Fiction

Size: 9

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2019

Teaching and Learning Resources